Venus rules over diamonds, jewellery, decorations, union, friends, garlands. Jataka Parijata adds trade-in jaggery, milk, and curds. Venus is the Karaka for music. Strong Venus, as a significator of livelihood, produces a musician when the acceptable houses are active. Venus denotes painters, musicians of all sorts. Benefic influence of Mercury is demanded, as Mercury provides the necessary intellectual ability. Venus is called Kavi or Poet. Venus indicates cows. So, an individual may be trading in milk, curd, etc. Venus is the karaka for vehicles. One can be a driver or an aviator when there's influence.

Venus is the karaka for many fine arts, such as painting, audio dance, etc. Venus denotes employment in dressmaking decorations, perfumery, and blossoms. Venus is a karaka for cooking. Venus also rules the sale of jaggery, food items, milk, curds, etc. Venus suggests conveyances, vehicles of all kinds, bus, lorries, railway, planes, music, paints, petrol, singers, cinema, drama, silk, perfumes, silver, White things, diamond, women school, drafting technicians, etc.

Venus is a karaka for the dress. Therefore, its principles clothiers, embroiders, silk mercers, manufacturers of gloves, bonnets, and women's dress.

When Venus is correlated with the second and the 5th home and is a significator of livelihood, one could become a musician. Venus is a karaka for attractiveness and enjoyment. Therefore, it may reflect makeup, scents, perfumes, and professions associated with them. Professions like the movie business, cinema, acting, directing are closely correlated with Venus.

Venus is a watery planet. Therefore, if it's correlated with the Moon or water signs, one's livelihood can be connected with water and liquids like the sale of sharbat, drinks, soft drink water, paints, water supply, etc.